Welcome to Our Infos!

This started out as a wedding blog, but now it's a family blog. Here's to goodness at home and abroad.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Wedding Clothing Letter to the Families


Thank you for your excitement for and support of us as we transition from people
to engageds to marrieds. We are loving it (both your reactions and the transition
itself). We feel wholly blessed and are excited for all that the summer (and more!)
will bring.

To the point: This card’s primary purpose is to give you all the guidance we have
for you as to your clothing during the wedding festivities.

1. You’re Our Everything
We’re not choosing “colors” per se, nor are we having wedding attendants. We’re
just asking you, our immediate families (parents, siblings, siblings-in-law, nieces,
and nephews), to keep the following principles/considerations/requests in mind.

2. Only the Friday Evening Party Matters (for Purposes of Your Wardrobe)
The only wedding event at which we request that you consider us as you make
your fashion decisions is the Friday, August 5, wedding party. We’d like you and
yours to be on site (at the Olson Family Homestead, Ernest Lane, Vernon, Utah
84080) at 5 pm for family pictures. (Note: Our photographer is also planning to
take pictures of your individual families, if you’re not opposed.)

3. Mind the Buttons
At the Friday evening wedding party, please wear whatever wedding-reception-
appropriate clothing (dresses, suits, slacks and shirts and ties, etc.) that you feel
comfortable in. But as you’re choosing what colors to wear, please choose a color
that sort of goes with the colors of the buttons glued in this card. You can see,
they’re sort of a diverse set of colors, but we hope they look coherent together.
(We tried. We really did.) Our primary concern is that we do not clash (i.e., that
no one’s clothing colors really stick out) in the family pictures. But within that
constraint, anything really goes.

4. Layer
The location of the Friday evening party is Sarah’s ancestral homestead, and it is
in the middle of the desert. The surface you’ll be walking on almost all evening is
grass (though we’re hoping to do some dancing on some hard surface). At 5 pm,
it’s likely to be warm outside (and maybe very windy). But by 9 pm, it might be
chillier. There is no inside option (though there is some shade). So come prepared
for the great Rush Valley outdoors.

5. You’re Free
Feel free to wear clothing with prints, patterns, textures, and varied fabrics (in fact,
please do). But keep the button colors in mind as you choose them, and you should
be fine. If you really really really are concerned, feel free to vet clothings with
Sarah. She’d be happy to allay your concerns.

6. In More Ways Than One
You can wear whatever you want to any of the other events (Friday’s family
lunch; Saturday’s family breakfast; the wedding itself). You’re good looking and
smart and you can do this.


We love you! Very, very much.

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