Welcome to Our Infos!

This started out as a wedding blog, but now it's a family blog. Here's to goodness at home and abroad.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Our invitations have been mailed! (Both snail and email.) If you expected to get one and did not, please let us know. We'd love to send you one.

Artwork by Ashley Mae Hoiland (a lovely woman and an Olson family friend)
Calligraphy by Julie Olson (Sarah's talented mom)

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations and what a beautiful invitation! I knew both of you at different times at BYU (I think Jed was friends with Meghan Fife, and I lived next door to her - and later I was in the same ward with Sarah).

    This morning I stopped by a friend's house only to find your familiar faces hanging on her fridge. Apparently Jed is cousins with my good friend, Amy Blad.

    Isn't it a small world? And isn't this a happy week for you two. Again, congratulations!
